About Happ:y Wellness
The Happ:y Mat was realized while working with the deaf and hard of hearing community. Some of the students had issues understanding basic foundational concepts like where to place their feet. After cutting out pictures of feet and placing them on their mats, Paul Mross was inspired to think of how to use the basic yoga mat in a more effective way.
That formation became our first Happ:y Mat, which included the measuring tape at the edges for objective assessments. Today, we have 3 Happ:y Mat designs and movable hands and feet. They allow the teacher or therapist to continue the play of twister on the Happ:y Mats or on any surface.
We are here to help students and clients learn and understand complex concepts and ultimately empowering them. We fulfill that intention every day by helping yogis, therapists, teachers, students, and many more stay happy and well. Read more about Happ:y
Our Team
Paul Mross, E-RYT 200, LMT
Paul Mross is the co-founder of Happ:y Wellness and the designer of The Happ:y Mat. Paul has been in the wellness industry for over 25 years as a certified yoga instructor (E-RYT 200) and massage therapist. His passion has always been providing safe and effective access to yoga for all individuals, no matter what their challenges.
Paul created the Happ:y concept (Healthy Accessible Products and Programs with Yoga) to provide more programming in the areas of health, accessibility, and injury prevention using the benefits of yoga. In 2012, Paul began to work on a research project with Paul Smith. Paul feels privileged having been the project manager and yoga consultant for 4 studies with the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Ultimately, it was that involvement that led Paul to create The Happ:y Mat.
Paul Smith, MD
Paul Smith, co-founder of Happ:y Wellness, is a retired family physician after 35 years of patient care and research and Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Family Medicine with over 30 years of primary care practice-based research experience.
Paul Smith met Paul Mross 2005, and began working closely together in 2012 with the idea that yoga might reduce the frequency of falls in older adults. Together, we led one of the first research studies in the US about the benefits of yoga for fall prevention. Paul has always had a passion for clear communication with patients, and loves working with Paul on the development of the Happ:y System.
Contact Us
Please reach out to paulm@happyw.co with any questions or requests!